Raising Funds
How Money is Raised
There are 3 ways money is raised for the “Corvettes For Kids” Road Tour:
- Participants and passengers pay a registration fee. The fees are $60 for the driver and $60 for the passenger. Fees include all food and entry fees throughout the day
- Pledges are raised by participants. While the raising of pledges is not necessary, it is greatly appreciated. This is the way we raise the most funds for the charity.
- Corporate sponsorship is always appreciated and graciously accepted. Please contact Gary Fenske at 416 402 7880 to become a corporate sponsor.
Participant Details
The Charity, Camp Oochigeas has provided “Corvettes For Kids” Road Tour our own web page on the Ooch site to help participants raise funds for this event.
The Participants may clink the link button on this page or on the main page to get to the Ooch site. From there, the participant can set up their own personal fund raising page. The JOIN button will direct you to the page where you can set up your own page. Once your page is developed you can set up a request email that you can send to your friends and supporters (from your contacts) that will encourage them to support you. They can make their donation online and will showup on your web page. A great tool to help you raise funds for the event then send a thank you email at the end.