Corvettes for Kids Road Tour
Annual Charity Event
September 8th 2019
The “Corvettes For Kids” Road Tour (CFKRT) is an annual event. 2019 will be the 21st year for the CFKRT and thus far we have raised over $503,500.00 for children’s charities. We invite Corvette owners to come together and enjoy a beautiful drive throughout country roads surrounding the Toronto area.
Note: Our new starting spot for this year
Tim Hortons 100 Whitmore Rd. Woodbridge On.
In 2019 we will be going to Camp Oochigeas in Muskoka. We will follow a similar route that we took 10 years ago the last time we visited the camp. We will stop part way up in Orillia for our Lunch and washroom break, we will take a short cruise on the Island Princess along the waterfront while we eat lunch. Then, we carry on with the second half of the tour driving through small towns and villages to the Camp, where we will tour the facility and see the many exciting changes they have made since our last visit. At the end of the day, there will be a camp style BBQ dinner with our prizes and auction at the camp.
Everyone will be on their own for the return trip home with 2 suggested routes to pick from, which should take just over 2 hours.
If you are interested in joining the tour go to the Registration Page to register on line or press the Register Button on the right side of this page to download a blank registration form which you can fill in and bring along on the day of the event.You may also set up your own fund raising page on the Camp Ooch site to help you contact your friends and supporters to raise funds for the event. Press the Participant Button on the right side of this page or on the Raising Funds Page to set up your profile.